​​​​​​​    USA Mission Rosary   

I promise thatthe soul that will venerate this image will not perish.  I also promise victory over it's enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death.  I myself will defend it as My glory.  Diary 48

 Healing Prayer for our nation

​​Our Mission

Holy Family Ministry Center Mission Statement

      Our Mission is to provide an environment after the model of the Holy Family,in which God’s love and mercy brings renewal and restoration to the family through reconciliation and healing thereby enkindling in them the flame of authentic Catholic spirituality.  By following Jesus in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi we are called to live out the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy and do so through the various programs of education, prayer and service provided by the Center.  We hold the value of all human life to be sacred from conception to natural death.  The intensely Eucharistic environment of the Center provides the source of grace and strength for living this calling in accordance with sacred scripture and in union with the Holy Father and the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.


     Loreto on the Plains       Personal Care Home 

Mission Statement

    Our mission is to provide Respect Life Care at the end of life by creating an environment for patients and their families where medical and Spiritual care are united to bring God’s hope and peace through ministering to the sick and terminally ill in the light of the Gospel message.

      Image of Divine Mercy

When we erected this image of Divine Mercy in 1995, "If I be lifted up I shall draw all men unto me"  (John 12:32)    We often look out to see cars pulled over, families praying and families out for a family walk and stopping.   Many have come to pray at this special place of prayer found on hwy 998 in Hartley, Texas. 


              Ed and Nan Weber, MSCC             founders - Holy Family Ministry Center and Loreto on the Plains Personal Care Home.  The Center is based in Hartley, TX.  Ed and Nan are the parents of 10 girls, 48 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.  Nan is a teacher and became a nurse at age 65 in order to serve the resident/patients of the care home, Loreto on the Plains PCH a ministry to the elderly sick and terminally ill. see homesoflife.net.  Ed is a retired Mechanical Engineer and became a CNA(Certified Nursing Assistant) also to serve in the Home.   Both Ed and Nan grew up in families where the Rosary was an important part of family  life and they realized that it was very important for the Rosary to be a part of their daily lives too. St John Paul II spoke of the family being the little church of the home and how important it was for this little church to be a model of prayer.

Their Lives - Our Inspirations

 Holy Family Ministry Center is a 501c3 tax exempt organization all donations to this ministry are tax deductable. 

St. Pope John Paul II

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta   From the beginning we were called by St. Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Exhortation on The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World called Familiaris Consortio.  His inspiring message to families, "Be Not Afraid" burned in our hearts and is like a flame that only burns brighter with time.

The life, words and love of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta also inspired us as we could hear her say,

"Make Something Beautiful for God".

Remember that it is not in how big or how expensive our gift,  but it is in the love and the freely giving of that gift that makes it  "Something Beautiful for God"  

This painting is from a "vision" that came one evening in prayer and tells the story of the Loreto commitment to those who are dying.  

This is the story of the soul preparing to meet Jesus surrounded by family, the priest and ministered to by the nurse with the glass of water, symbolizing giving hydration till the end.  The "Sacrament of the Sick" being administered by the Priest, the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy being prayed, the children all around the bed praying and some just being, some grieving quietly and Grandma or Grandpa offering His or Her suffering to the Lord as symbolized by the very subtle crown of thorns around his head.  It is the "Three O'clock hour" and the Divine Mercy of Jesus is flooding the room.  The angels are coming from heaven to escort the soul in an atmosphere of peace and trust in Jesus that fills the air.

The Picture above was painted by a young artist, Randy Freimal, who has devoted his artistic gift to the Lord and rendered many beautiful images of Jesus, the Father, Mother Mary and the family.  Every one of his paintings has an image of a fetus hidden somewhere in his paintings.  His pro-life witness of faith in this is one found in the vase of flowers to small to see here..  (copies may be attained by leaving a message and contact information on the contact page.)

Who are we?      

              USA Mission Rosary is sponsored by Holy Family Ministry Center, Hartley,Texas                             Holy Family Ministry Center / Loreto on the Plains Personal Care Home

              Fr. Ron Mathews, MSCC

is a retired priest and a member of our community and Chaplain for this ministry and the Mercy Servants of Christ Crucified.  He is also a priest for Retrouvaille Marriage Help Program For Struggling Couples, as well as, serving at a local parish for the weekend Mass where they have no priest at this time.  He has worked in prison ministry, had radio programs on Radio Maria, and Valentine Radio.  He worked as a Hospital Chaplain and Parish Pastor of numerous Parishes in Texas and Louisiana.

In 2015, Father retired in order to join the work of the Holy Family Ministry Center and it's ministry to families.  He, too, joined the staff of the care home.